JNM Engineering, LLC -Chevy Chase, drainage , runoff, Bethesda
Civil Engineering Potomac maryland <link href="https://plus.google.com/103144536324023038541" rel="publisher" />
Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, Land Planning, Environmental Planning, & Arboriculture
We are pleased to offer the following services;
Stormwater Management Design
Land Surveying
Stormwater Management Inspections
Environmental Site Design
Natural Resources Inventories
Forest Stand Delineation
Land Development Design
Site Development Plans
Drainage Solutions
GAR Plans (District of Columbia)
Forest Conservation
Arborist Reports and Tree Preservation
Civil Construction Plans
CAD Drafting
Sediment Control Design
Water and Sewer Design
Land Planning and Development Feasibility Studies
Well and Septic Design
Residential and Commercial Land Development Design
Stormwater Tax Credits (Rainscapes or simular)
Floodplain Studies
Stormwater Management Design
JNM has unmatched experience and expertise preparing detailed stormwater management plans and reports. Our designs typically include a customized report, construction specifications, design details, operation and maintenance schedules, and material specifications. Our extensive experience ranges from small scale stormwater practices to large regional stormwater management ponds.
Floodplain Studies
There are still many floodplain areas throughout Maryland that have not been identified. An unknown floodplain on a property can render the property undevelopable or create many unknown construction expenses. JNM can help identify and delineate unrecorded floodplain areas early in the design process. We can prepare the required reports, computations, and associated plans to attain needed approvals by local regulatory agencies.
Stormwater Management Inspections
JNM understands the critical function of stormwater management within our communities and neighborhoods. Properly constructed and properly functioning stormwater management devices help to reduce pollutants and sediment from entering our waterways, aquifers, and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. JNM can help to ensure stormwater management devices are functioning properly to avoid local or state violations and/or costly repairs. If a problem does occur, JNM can work with regulatory agencies and contractors to bring devices back into compliance. Inspections are always performed by licensed professional engineers.
Environmental Site Design
Environmental Site Design (ESD) is now required for most land disturbance activities in Maryland. Other variations of ESD are sometimes called better site design, low impact development (LID), green infrastructure, or sustainable site design. All of these strategies include similar techniques to reduce post-development runoff impacts. In each, a combination of planning techniques, alternative cover, and small scale treatment practices are used to address impacts associated with land development. JNM consists of highly experienced stormwater management engineers that have extensive knowledge of ESD design, oversight and review, and application.
Natural Resource Inventories
JNM consists of environmental specialists that can prepare natural resources inventories. This is a study to identify natural resources so they can be identified and prioritized prior to a site design. A typical natural resources inventory will identify existing wetland areas, stream locations, environmental buffers, forest areas, soil types, steep slopes, critical areas, floodplains, and many other applicable features. An appropriate delineation of natural resources is a critical step in the development process.
Forest Stand Delineation and Forest Conservation
JNM staff includes highly trained DNR qualified professionals and environmental specialists that prepare natural resource inventories and forest conservation plans. Our Forest Stand Delineations typically include forest boundaries, steep slope areas, soil types and limitations identified, forest classifications, environmental areas (combined with a natural resources inventory) and a detailed forest stand narrative. Forest Conservation Plans are prepared to identify forest areas to be retained or planted and to determine any forest conservation obligations based on the Maryland Forest Conservation Act. Working with our clients early in the development process is key to our success with forest conservation. Retaining onsite forest by better site design will not only reduce planting and bonding requirements, it will also reduce stormwater management requirements.

Arborist Report and Tree Preservation Recommendations
Our highly trained ISA certified arborists can provide tree health evaluations and tree protection recommendations for your development projects. Arborist evaluations are critical for many infill type developments where construction will occur close to existing trees. Tree death, decline, and structure failure can occur months or even years after construction practices have ended if appropriate tree protection and monitoring measures are not implemented. Many tree related problems can be avoided if an arborist is consulted early in the design process. JNM can prepare detailed tree assessments. These assessments typically include tree identification, a health assessment, measurements, preservation recommendations, retention potential, and maintenance recommendations. All reports are prepared and signed by a certified arborist.

Civil Construction Plans and CAD Drafting
Construction plans are required for most development projects. JNM can prepare professionally drafted and certified construction plans to detail your site development needs. Our drafting services range from minor tree protection exhibits to full development plans.

Drainage Solutions
Recent changes to local rainfall intensities has created drainage problems for many homeowners in Montgomery County and surrounding jurisdictions. Higher intensity storms has led to more erosion, wet basements, flooding, and property damage. JNM Engineering offers site inspections and can provide fully engineered drainage plans to mitigate your drainage concerns. Our reports provide the necessary flow computations and an engineered drainage study custom to your property and situation. See Stormwater tax credit below.

Stormwater Tax Credits - RainScapes
Many jurisdictions now offer incentives, reimbursements, and tax credits for homeowners who provide mitigation for their stormwater runoff. An example is Montgomery Counties RainScapes program which will reimburse homeowners up to $2,500.00 for the installation of stormwater management devices. If you have a drainage problems on your property, this may be a perfect opportunity to take advantage of these programs. Click here to to find out more about Montgomery Counties program.
Green Area Ratio (GAR) Plans (District of Columbia)
GAR is a standard requirement for many development projects within the District of Columbia. JNM Engineering can provide the required plans and evaluation to address GAR requirements through the Department of Energy and Environment. Click here for more information on GAR and the associated requirements.